Jim Perks – International Engagements for the MoD
Then I went to the Ministry of Defence as International Engagements, so doing maritime International Engagements with I would say the most important … the five highest nations and France who were becoming more and more important with regards to Carrier Operability and Nuclear, and Russia at the time actually.
We were trying to be more friendly with Russia so they were also on my shop chit. Hugely fascinating job. Completely different, all about relationships, all about people again. Yeah, loved it. Ministry of Defence, again a little worried going into there, having never really had a desk job.
I’d been a Trainer, I’d taught the Advanced Warfare Course, I’d taught Teacher and I’d been a Planner but all submarine orientated. This was not submarine specific, yes it involved submarines but it was the whole Navy.
Working for the First Sea Lord who was Admiral Stanhope, who was a Submariner, ex Teacher who ironically I’d worked for as a sub-Lieutenant when he was a Commander in the MOD, way, way back. Even then we knew he was going to be a First Sea Lord by the way.
That was fascinating. Lots of travel, lots of fun, living in London, brilliant.