Ami Burns – The difference between surface fleet and submarine broadcast pipes
You know they make main broadcast pipes very differently on boats.
Simon: What’s different there then between the two?
The way that you … that the language that’s used, so an Emergency Pipe is in some cases very different, a different kind of alarm. The way that you deliver the information is and it sounds like, it’s just words but when you’ve been bred to make pipes in a certain way, and even the whole concept behind Emergency Pipes. There’s a couple of things that we have. One, a Standardised Emergency Pipe means that people understand exactly what you’re saying and it avoids confusion and allows people to react really, really quickly. If you make a Main Broadcast Pipe … if I made a General Service Main Broadcast Pipe, people would get really confused because it is not the same pattern of words that you deliver as a Submariner, and that was a really big thing for me to get out of the muscle memory of General Service Pipes some of which they don’t even make in submarines and get into the ones we use on boats.