Ron Gordon – Top of the Rock race in Gibraltar
When I was on Porpoise, we’d done this big exercise just outside the Mediterranean, in the Atlantic with all the other ships and foreign ships, and we went back into Gibraltar, and when you get back into Gibraltar, it’s when they organise all the inter-ship competitions, and we pulled into Gibraltar on the Porpoise, and our Captain had forgotten that these sports events were going on that we were meant to supply teams.
I was the Sports Officer at the time, so as soon as we get alongside, he got the signal, ‘what teams have you got to represent football, hockey, and Top of the Rock Race?’ he said, “You’ll be sharing your team with the Dutch submarine that was alongside when you are playing against these other ships.”
So, he called me to his office, and he said, “I’m not letting anybody go ashore until we’ve got these sports teams sorted, Electrical Officer.” “Ok Boss.”
So, I went round the boat, said,” You’re not going to get any leave until I’ve got these teams sorted, so I need five guys for the football team, and I need about six guys for the hockey team.”
So, I went round and eventually after about an hour and a half, and of course everyone’s getting impatient ‘cos they want to get ashore, ‘cos you always lived in Hotels when you went on a diesel submarine. If you went anywhere like Gibraltar, you went to hotels and you got a lovely shower and a bath and everything, so these guys were getting impatient.
Anyway, I went and saw the Captain, I said, “Os” I said, “I’ve got everything sorted. We’ve got five names for the football team, six names for the hockey team but I haven’t got anybody for the Top of the Rock Race. Just nobody’s interested in it.” He said, “Well there’s only one solution then isn’t there, Electrical Officer, you’re it.”
So, I said, “What? It’s tomorrow Sir”.
He said, “Yeah. We’ve got a cocktail party tonight haven’t we?” “Yes.” “You’ll be it in the morning won’t you?”
So, to cut a long story short, I had to do the cocktail party ‘cos I was the Wine Officer as well, so I had to arrange all the cocktails for the cocktail party, then you have to imbibe when you are there, then we went ashore afterwards. By next morning I’m off up to the bottom of the Rock to run all the way to the top.
Simon: Which is how far?
Oh, I can’t remember but it was a bloody long way, that way, so … but I did it. I completed it so that’s the sort of theme that’s been right through my life. I was part of the Field Gun Crew when I was at Collingwood, I did Field Gun Crew at Dolphin, part of football teams, rugby teams and that’s the great thing the Navy gives you.
It gives you that opportunity to keep fit.