Midge Ure – Changing face of Gosport
There’s only three or four Pubs you can really drink in now, so the High Street is definitely, it will be no surprise to anyone that the High Street’s had a downturn as have most High Streets in Britain. The lack of people living in the area, well, certainly Matelots, ‘cos they always had money to spend. I mean they would always go out, so the drinking culture isn’t there amongst young people anymore.
Young people generally look after themselves a bit better. I know they still drink, but they go to the Gym, they eat decent food, they probably shop online so it’s not got the same impact in it.
From Gosport, although there’s still that … there’s the Navy Bases and the history there, it probably needs to be looking else … I mean the Marinas have sprung up. Marinas weren’t all there when I was younger.
We had a Marina but it wasn’t the coast length that it is now and all the opportunities that’s got, so yeah, the Pubs have definitely disappeared, the nightclubs have disappeared slowly but surely.