Jim Perks – Why join the Submarine Service?
Simon: Did you ever consider, even in your wildest dreams of the early days of thinking where you’d end up?
No. I mean that’s the beauty of the Navy, and I say it to anyone that will listen to me is if you’re thinking about joining … a career in the military, really think hard about the Navy and in particular Submarine Service, not just ‘cos the Submarine Service is the most interesting, exciting, place to work.
The people are incredible. I’m sure that’s the case in all walks of life and the whole military but the Submarine Service is kind of on steroids because you’re in that little steel tube for so long and you all wear the same dolphins which you’ve all qualified.
Whether you’re an Officer or a Rating you’ve all done the same qualification. That’s pretty unique.
Royal Marines, Green Beret same and there’s quite a lot of similarities in the camaraderie and pride in there, definitely. I can see a lot of similarities there. The pride of that beret is the same pride that we have in our dolphins knowing that you’ve earned it regardless of Rank.