Ian Moore – Gosport Pubs
What were the other Pubs … in Gosport, what did you do when you were around Gosport?
Gosport in the ‘70s was … you had a fair number of Pubs, a lot of Pubs. The usual one for us would be that we’d go from the Bar in Dolphin, we’d come out of Dolphin, we’d come over Pneumonia Bridge, which at the time was just a walkway, a walkway Bridge, it wasn’t a road, so we’d come over Pneumonia Bridge and the first watering hole was the George and Dragon, which was right on the edge of Town.
So, we’d go into the George and Dragon, then we’d go into the central High Street and we’d go into Nelsons or the Star, and then at the end of the evening we’d go up into Emma’s Night Club above the Star as it was, but it can’t be called the Star anymore because it’s now called Nelsons, but it used to be called the Star.
Another Pub took that name back from apparently the Pub that they opened, that was the original name of it all, and Weatherspoon’s came in with a big law suit saying, “We want to call ourselves the Star so you’re going to have to change your name” apparently so.
They changed it to Nelsons.