Ian Moore – Being able to react without thinking
That’s an awful lot of the things about submarines, is that you react without thinking. If you have to think about something, it’s already too late. So, if something goes wrong, it goes wrong big style, and it will go wrong instantaneously, and it can be catastrophic.
You haven’t got time to think about what you’re going to do next.
That’s where the training comes in.
That’s where the arse kicking comes in for everything that you’re actually doing because you get it wrong, somebody will kick your arse for you. Get it wrong again, they’ll kick your arse again until you get it right, and when you’ve got it right, it’s ingrained.
You won’t even have to think about it, you can do it in your sleep, you can do it in pitch blackness, all the rest of it, and that’s the whole point of this society.