Colin Clarke – Memories of training at SETT
Simon: How many times did you do your training at SETT?
Oh, let’s have a think. So, there’s the initial one when you’re on initial Submarine Training, and then every 3 ½ years was it after that? 3 or 4 years, so I’ve probably did it about half a dozen times I’d guess overall.
Simon: And what’s your memories of the experience?
Brilliant. Fantastic. The best memory is always the first time for me. I was definitely nervous, doing the formal 100-foot ascent, when you actually put your Escape Suit on as well, but I remember getting to the top of the … it’s the best ride in town, it’s fantastic fun.
Getting to the top, and what you had to do was climb out the … it was very, very regimented for Health and Safety reasons as you can imagine, and you’re just basically being talked at very loudly.
“Do this, do this, do this” and there was a line at the top of the Tank that each student had to go and stand on. They had to stand there, saying nothing, but being monitored by the Medics to make sure you’re not about to keel over.
I think it was 2 minutes you had to stand still for, and then you just get, “Right, go” and you walk off and get changed. And I remember … I can’t remember exactly how it happened, but there is a guy called the Tank Top Chief, and he was in charge of everything.
Never mind the Officer that was over there, the Tank Top Chief was in charge and you were left under no illusion that this guy was in charge. And he said something to me, and I said … he probably said something like, “You alright lad?” and I went, “Yes Chief, can I go again?” and I clearly got, “No, you bloody can’t, stand still.”
Really sad to see that it’s shut down and empty, and think there is a small video kicking around of how it all is now inside ‘cos the water is all drained out, so it’s all starting to decay etc. But the new facility is up in Scotland now, up in Faslane.