Brian Wood – How to increase your lung capacity
‘Cos most people only use sort of 75% of their lung capacity. 25% you never actually take a really good deep breath, so you’re taught how to take a really good deep breath.
Simon: What is that method?
Well, you take a good deep breath as hard as you can and now you start sucking and you feel it. Keep sucking and only a narrow … keep sucking, and now the more you do that,
Simon: Feels as though I’m going to burst.
Then the more you do that, ‘cos you’re doing it every time you take in a good deep breath which is a lot of times, put it that way.
Simon: Right.
You’re just stretching, and now you’re starting to use all your alveoli that you’ve never used in your life. It depends whether you breath with your diaphragm or your upper chest because people breath slightly differently.
You alter the way you breathe with just your diaphragm which fills up the bottom of your lungs, or you use the muscles up here to use the top of your lungs, but not many people do that.
You mainly use your diaphragm. But doing all them sort of breathing exercises, you really start to.